BeGreen Africa

BeGreen Africa Entrepreneur Workshop Empowers Kenyan Youth in Waste Management

Nairobi, Kenya – June 14, 2024 – The BeGreen Africa Entrepreneur Workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya to empower young entrepreneurs in waste management to develop comprehensive business plans and innovative solutions. The BeGreen Africa Entrepreneur Workshop was held in partnership with UNICEF, the Tony Elumelu Foundation, and UBA Kenya to empower young and innovative…

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Wave energy

Can Wave Energy Revolutionize Kenya’s Power Landscape?

Kenya’s 600-kilometer coastline, caressed by waves, holds immense potential for clean energy. Yet this resource remains largely untapped. Wave energy technology offers a revolutionary solution, transforming lives in coastal communities struggling with limited or no electricity. Kenya’s electrification strategy leans heavily on renewables like geothermal, hydro, and wind power. However, many, especially in coastal regions,…

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Orange’s Role in Africa’s Renewable Energy Revolution

Across Africa, a revolution is brewing. The continent, brimming with potential, faces a critical challenge: bridging the energy gap. To fuel economic development and combat climate change, a shift towards sustainable energy solutions is crucial. This is where Orange, a leading telecoms provider, is stepping up, playing a pivotal role in promoting digital energy solutions across…

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Is South Africa’s R600 Billion Energy Investment the Key to a Greener Tomorrow?

A seismic shift is underway in South Africa’s energy landscape, driven by the urgent need to combat climate change and secure a sustainable energy future.  The transformation is marked by a bold declaration of commitment: an estimated R600 billion investment is required to power the country’s transition to a greener, cleaner energy future.  This investment…

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